
I don't even know where to begin with this story. It's so near to my heart and beautiful that there's no way that my words can ever describe it. All I can say is that my life is completely changed. I've never been more proud of Leah after seeing her give birth and I've never felt love like the love that I feel for my son. We're back home and all is well. We've started the journey of trying to figure out how to be parents, and we're.....well....figuring it out, slowly. We're cherishing every moment and experiencing beautiful firsts.

We can't say enough great things about the care and experience we received at our birth center Bella Vie. Our midwife Patricia and all of the midwives who cared for us were amazing and knew exactly what we needed. We are so grateful that they were a part of the birth and can't express our thankfulness to Patricia, Tina, Angie, Jennifer, Crystal and Sarananda. You are all amazingly brilliant women with beautiful hearts. We are honored to know you. Thank you.

Here's some photos from the birth that the amazing Emily G took. I knew Emily was an amazing photographer and person, but these photos have completely blown my mind and her presence at the birth was wonderful. Leah and I have looked at them at least 100 times, to help us re-tell the story of Wellington's birth. We are so thankful that Emily gave up the hours to capture this event for us and we will always treasure these photos.

Thank you to all of you who have shown us so much patience. We know lots of you are waiting on previews and blog posts, and thank you for allowing us to prioritize our family and cherish this beginning.

We hope everyone's Monday is full of beautiful moments, ours definitely is. Thank you for all of your support and love, it means everything to us.

Bryan, Leah and Wellington

Where I came from...

It's summertime! All of us in the pacific northwest are saying FINALLY (yep all in caps)! The swimming in rivers, camping, being outdoors, driving with my windows rolled down (without the heater on!), has begun! Leah and I are living it up this summer and trying to take advantage of the wonderful weather and part of the world we live in. Today we decided to roll into Portland and spend the afternoon working in Cloud Seven Cafe. Recently I was looking through Leah and my pictures and found this picture of Mt. Garfield in Palisade, Colorado. I grew up less than a mile away from here and spent many days as a child climbing on this mountain and it's a really special place to me.

I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful afternoon as much as Leah and I are.


Explaining the Silence.....

Hey, sorry for the silence this week on the blog, but we're moving into our first home! Leah and I feel so thankful to be moving into this house especially with little Wellington coming right along. We've been painting the interior of the home for the last three days with the help of all of our incredible friends. We've got lots of exciting shoots that we'll be posting as soon as moving madness ends, but for now this picture of Leah and I with our new (actually really old!) home taken by our dear friend Joel will have to do.

Happy Tuesday!
